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Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment

Successful Vocational Evaluators and Work Adjustment Specialists must be imaginative and practical, able to think outside the box to create unique solutions for the accommodation of individuals with disabilities in the workplace.

Vocational evaluation is a comprehensive process of vocational exploration and assessment designed to assist individuals in identifying their vocational options. Vocational Evaluators must have an understanding of a variety of physical and mental disabilities and above-average communication skills. They are responsible for selecting, administering and interpreting a broad assortment of evaluation instruments including psychometric tests, commercial work sample systems, and situational assessments. They often modify standard instruments or develop new instruments in order to effectively respond to local labor markets or accommodate individual needs.

Work Adjustment Specialists provide services focusing on pre-employment skill development and the implementation of systematic, individualized treatment and training programs for people with disabilities. These specialists must have skills in behavior change techniques, individual and group counseling, instructional techniques, job development, job placement and community integration.


Minimum requirements for individuals seeking employment as a Vocational Evaluator or Work Adjustment Specialist are a bachelor's degree in rehabilitation or closely related field with extensive approved work experience and specialized training. Individuals with a master’s degree in their respective rehabilitation specialty areas are preferred for work in either position.


Graduates of vocational evaluation specialization programs may apply to the Commission on Certification of Work Adjustment and Vocational Evaluation Specialists (CCWAVES) for national certification as a Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE). The CVE is awarded to individuals having competence in essential performance areas as demonstrated by education, training, professional experience, and successful completion of a national certification examination administered by CCWAVES. CCWAVES also administers certification for the Certified Work Adjustment (CWA) specialty.

While most states do not have licensure or other specific credentials for Vocational Evaluators or Work Adjustment Specialists, they may rely on the CVE and CWA as a standard for professional qualifications. The Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) requires the CVE credential when certifying programs in vocational evaluation.


Vocational Evaluators and Work Adjustment Specialists may be employed in any setting that concentrates on facilitating the integration of people with disabilities into the community workplace. Employment settings may include state vocational rehabilitation agencies, private non-profit rehabilitation agencies or facilities, independent living centers, psychiatric and addiction treatment centers, head injury treatment centers, hospitals, public schools, mental health and developmental disability programs, correctional facilities, and university-based programs.


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Find out more about Vocational Rehabilitation
(Excerpts from the Careers in Vocational Rehabilitation Booklet)
Who makes a good rehabilitation professional?
Preparing for a Career in Vocational Rehabilitation
Questions about a Career in Vocational Rehabilitation

Vocational Rehabilitation Professions:
Rehabilitation Counseling
  Rehabilitation Counselors
Rehabilitation of Individuals Who Are Blind or Have Vision Impairments
  Orientation and Mobility Specialists
  Rehabilitation Teachers
Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment
  Vocational Evaluators
  Work Adjustment Specialists
Job Development and Placement Specialists
Rehabilitation of Individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
  Deafness Rehabilitation Professionals
  Interpreters for Deaf Individuals
Undergraduate Education in the Rehabilitation Services
  Rehabilitation Practitioners
Rehabilitation Administration
Other Vocational Rehabilitation Professions
  Rehabilitation Medicine, Physiatrists, Rehabilitation Nurses

  Prosthetics & Orthotics
  Rehabilitation Technologists
  Rehabilitation Psychologist
  Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists

Click on this button for a reality interview

Interview with

Stephanie Monroe
Rehabilitation Specialist/Vocational Evaluator

"We're able to help them realize how much potential and how many different options they have.".